As your top Fenton, MO dentist, we are delighted to offer you a superb variety of dental products and services designed to be reasonably priced. Select ADA Approved materials are chosen to ensure you ease of care and years of lasting appearance.
We are ready to help you get the healthy, beautiful smile you want! Schedule today for your free consultation, so we can find the best solution for you!
Our onsite laboratory assures you same day denture repairs in Fenton, MO. Be in by 8:00 a.m. and, in most cases, have your repair completed the same day.
Under special circumstances it may be possible to repair your denture within 2 hours. When the need arises, our friendly staff and competent denture technicians stand ready to serve you.
Several choices are available to rebuild your smile. If you only have a few missing teeth, a fixed bridge is the most realistic method of replacing teeth, both in appearance and chewing comfort. It is permanently cemented in place to keep you looking your best.
When a fixed bridge is not the preferred treatment, our doctors will help you decide if an implant or removable cast metal partial might serve you better. We offer a full line of alternative choices to keep your smile bright.
We believe nothing can replace service and patient satisfaction. Be in at 9:00 a.m. and, in most cases, have your dentures the same day. We understand the need for promptness.
Be prepared though. After your impressions are taken, we ask that you remain in the office for approximately one hour so additional measurements may be taken if necessary. We will try our best to have you out of the office by noon.
Our finest denture, specially characterized to match your unique personality. Choose from a superb array of gum shadings, from our own exclusively formulated and patented Hi-Impact acrylic. This popular denture comes complete with a one year "Normal Usage Warranty", full cosmetic customization, and premium teeth. Master craftsmanship, premium materials, and extra attention to details, assure you many years of lasting quality.
Special tooth selection and personalized try-in cosmetics are combined to give you the natural look you desire. Our natural looking Hi-Impact acrylic is crafted for appearance and ease of care.
An excellent denture value and affordable dentures in Fenton, MO.
Our "no-frills" denture. We offer this at an economical price. The right option for those more concerned about function, than appearance.
Our best. A personally customized removable tooth replacement system. This cosmetic try-in partial is designed to be worn opposing your own natural teeth.
The Custom partial is securely held in place with precision metal clasp-rests that surround your natural teeth. By properly loading the chewing forces onto the teeth, it lessens the stress being absorbed by tender gums. This is the correct partial to be showcased with our custom denture.
This personalized try-in cast metal partial is the right selection if a natural appearance is desired. This precision partial will also match your Deluxe denture.
Our most basic one day partial. A simple design which loads all of the chewing forces onto the gums. The right alternative for those needing an economic way to transitionally replace missing teeth.
Get a beautiful, healthy-looking smile in just one day! Whether you need routine dental care or same day denture repair in St. Louis, MO, schedule an appointment with the best denture experts in Fenton, MO. We can't wait to hear from you!
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